Monday 21 April 2014

Samsung Is Keeping Its Options Open With Android Wear And Tizen

Samsung Is Keeping Its Options Open With Android Wear And Tizen

Samsung plans on releasing a smartphone powered by Android competitor Tizen this year. Likewise, Samsung is also working on a smartwatch that runs Android, according to a Reuters report. It’s bizarro world for Samsung.

This alleged product roadmap is a flip-flop from its current lineup which includes smartphones powered only by Android (and Windows Phone) and smartwatches powered by Tizen.

If this report is correct, it shows Samsung’s loose and fast adaptation to market trends. Google’s Android Wear is the hot new platform and apparently leaps and bounds improved from the Android build Samsung previously used in Samsung’s original smartwatches. It would be injurious for Samsung to ignore the improvements found in Android Wear and continue developing Tizen solely for this niche use case.

Samsung also tried its hand at a Tizen smartphone once. But today, in 2014, Samsung commands such a dominant share of the smartphone market that it simply can do whatever it wants. A Tizen smartphone will not outsell an Android unit, but it’s wise for Samsung to give the alternative platform another chance — especially given the rising licensing cost to develop an Android smartphone. An aggressively priced Tizen smartphone could be a boon in developing regions.

Samsung has clearly learned that the fate of consumer electronic companies that do not move fast is often death.

“Jerry Lawrence Markham Team Systems" - JLMTS for private meetings and Consultation
This system was co-founded by experts from India, East Europe, USA, and Canada.
We believe that by implementing the JLMTS system, your Organization (Investment Group And Corporate Group) will have a Massive Transformation with reference to Leadership, and help you to increase Stakeholder Profits.

Yolanda Mendoza - International Sales Director

Sunday 9 February 2014

Investor Thought for Success, Feb, 2014 – Jerry Lawrence And Tony Robbins

Investor Thought for Success, Feb, 2014 – Jerry Lawrence And Tony Robbins

“Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective, find the one reason why you can achieve it rather than hundreds of reasons why you can’t.”
Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill is considered the forefather of the modern personal development movement and his motivational classic, Think and Grow Rich, has inspired millions with its words and thoughts on discovering success and abundance within oneself. The thirteen principles of success outlined within this bestselling audio program is a blueprint you can follow in the construction of your own personal success story. Apply these principles to achieve: freedom from fear ? self-confidence ? improved personal relationships ? career advancement ? financial riches

“This Book has inspired me to focus like Laser on Success”
Founder of Jerry Lawrence Markham Team Group of Companies

Tony Robbins Recommends Think and Grow Rich
I received this email from the Tony Robbins organization. He is promoting Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, a book that “changed Tony’s life”. It is a version authorized by The Napoleon Hill Foundation which I greatly respect.
Special Holiday Bonus! Never released before collection For a limited time only, orders over $499 will receive a hardcover edition of “Think and Grow Rich”, a book that changed Tony’s life, a copy of his 1978 handwritten journal, plus a Powertalk! audio interview with Tony and the author, Napoleon Hill.
This offer is good for a limited time only – while supplies last. Don’t hesitate, order now!
Tony Robbins

Saturday 18 January 2014

1995 Jerry Lawrence Fund Manager

1995 Jerry Lawrence Fund Manager

Jerry Lawrence Markham -Manager And Consultant
Available for JV Investment Projects in Asia And South America. Most of these projects were handled remotely using PMO methods and systems. Investment JV must consist of 4 committee members so the JV project will always produce the result. Result will be ROI Positive or ROI Negative.

  Since 1995 – Sample of Fund Projects with Jerry Lawrence Management
       • 3 Kings GIC Private Investments – Canada

         Fund Size: 2 million CAD

       • Smart Mortgages - Private Mortgages in Canada

         Fund Size: 10 Million to 15 Million CAD

       • Debt Leveraged Private Investment Fund – USA and 

         Fund Size: 2 million USD/CAD

       • Los Faros De Panama – Private Condo Investment

         Fund Size: 4.5 Million USD

       • Soltech – Private Telco Investment

         Fund Size: 1 Million USD
       • Radossaic Fund – Private Club of ERP Companies
         Fund Size: 500,000 USD
       • Saturn Media Private Investment JV Fund – Technology
         Fund Size: 500 Million to 2 Billion USD
       • Gold Private Structured Investments in South America

Fund Size: $200 Million USD More Projects…

International Finance And Investment Experience

Provided Consulting and Management services in Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, St. Vincent, India, USA, Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Hong Kong, China, Germany, UK, Kuwait, and Singapore.

Banking Industry Education


 EXIM BANK –Mumbai - India
· Guarantees
· Funded Investments
· Non Funded Investments

 Nationwide Insurance – Columbus – Ohio- USA
· General Liability Insurance Products
· Business Insurance Investment
· Various Umbrella Investment
 Rabo Bank – Netherlands – ORIGIN International
· ATM Management
 Fund Management – USA, Mexico, India, UK, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium
 Project Management – University of Toronto
 Quality Management – ORIGIN, Netherlands
 Delhi Institute of Management, India

 Graduate of Arts, Language, Politics, History – Osmania University, India

For your Next Private JV Investment Project in Asia and South America.
For More Information Contact:
"Jerry Lawrence Markham Team Systems" - JLMTS for private meetings and Consultation
This system was co-founded by experts from India, East Europe, USA, and Canada.
We Believe that by implementing the JLMTS system, your Organization will have a Massive Transformation with reference to Leadership, and help you to increase Sales.

Jerry Lawrence - Co Founder


Chris Dixon, a partner with Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andressen Horowitz, insists that virtual currency bitcoin can become the leading means of making payments on the internet. If that happens, one bitcoin could be worth $100,000.

A bitcoin trades at over $800 on some online money exchanges. The currency was worth $13 a year ago.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System – Incubator Funds

Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System – Incubator Funds

Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System is hosting in Markham Private Seminar related to Private Hedge Funds and Incubator Funds in Caribbean Islands.

Start Your Own - Incubator Hedge Fund

We developed the concept of the incubator hedge fund and we continue to innovate, expanding the limits of what can be accomplished in an incubator fund structure. Please read through the common questions and answers below relating to incubator funds. If you have further questions, or are ready to form an incubator fund, we invite you to join us for a private meeting.
Jan 19th – 2014
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm.
Location: Monte Carlo Hotel – Lobby Level Restaurant

What is an incubator fund?
An incubator fund is the ideal investment vehicle for entrepreneurial managers that are searching for a cost-effective stepping stone to launching a full-fledged hedge fund. Generally, a manager will contribute his or her own capital to the fund and manage the fund's assets for 6 to 12 months in order to test investment strategies and create a track record. Once a successful track record has been established, the manager can then reach out to prospective investors and obtain indications of interest prior to incurring the expense of launching a full-fledged fund.

Other Topics:
Ogier Private Wealth
Conifer Fund Services
Saturn Media Funds – Technology.

For More Information Contact:

"Jerry Lawrence Markham Team Systems" - JLMTS for private meetings and Consultation
This system was co-founded by experts from India, East Europe, USA, and Canada.
We Believe that by implementing the JLMTS system, your Organization will have a Massive Transformation with reference to Leadership, and help you to increase Sales.
Jerry Lawrence -  Co Founder International Sales Director

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System – ERP Projects

GlaxoSmithKline - Chicago – BPCS and ERP Management

Archive News – Press Update for USA Today - May 15- 2011

The Founder of “Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System” worked with many Top Manufacturing And Supply Chain Management firms from 1990 to 1999. Some of these corporations were KODAK, Whirlpool, Philips Lighting, ENTERGY Corp, Glaxo Smith Kline, and Campbell Soup etc.

Jerry got his expert knowledge for these system while working on high profile projects in India for companies like UNIFY, Datamatics, Digitron, EXIM Bank, TCS, and Origin International.

One of Jerry Main Project the he loved was the SWAT Team Management and Release Control Management of ERP System of BPCS at SSA – Chicago for Glaxo Smith Kline. He worked with a Team for over 60 developers from USA, India, UK, and China – using As/400, Unix, Oracle and DB/2.
Hence Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System has the expertise to provide Management, Finance and Taxation Consulting for Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Logistics companies.

GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) (LSE: GSK, NYSE: GSK) is a British multinational pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines and consumer healthcare company headquartered in Brentford, London. It is the world's fourth-largest pharmaceutical company after Pfizer, Novartis and Sanofi, measured by 2009 prescription drug sales. The company was established in 2000 by the merger of Glaxo Wellcome plc (formed from the acquisition of Wellcome plc by Glaxo plc) and SmithKline Beecham plc (formed from the merger of Beecham plc and SmithKline Beckman Corporation, which in turn was formed by combining the Smith Kline French and Beckman companies).

GSK has a portfolio of products for major disease areas such as asthma, cancer, virus control, infections, mental health, diabetes and digestive conditions. It also has a large consumer healthcare division that produces oral healthcare and nutritional products, drinks and over-the-counter medicines, including Sensodyne, Boost and Horlicks. Andrew Witty has been the chief executive officer since May 2008.
The company has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. As of 6 July 2012 it had a market capitalisation of £74.8 billion, the fifth-largest of any company listed on the London Stock Exchange. It has a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

About SSA Acquisition Corp.

SSA Acquisition Corp., formed from the purchase of System Software Associates by an investor group led by Gores Technology Group, is a provider of software and services to the world's industrial sector companies, the former company having fiscal year 1999 revenue of $316 million. Its principal product, eBPCS Version 6.1 is primarily sold to the industrial sector including automotive, chemicals, consumer goods, electronics, general manufacturing, food and beverage, forest products and pharmaceuticals.

SSA has been developing and providing its proprietary ERP software system for more than 18 years and is recognized for its expertise in the industrial manufacturing sector, particularly in the consumer goods, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, general manufacturing, automotive supply and electronics industries. With fiscal year 1999 revenues of $316 million, the company has one of the largest installed bases in the industry, approximately 6,500 clients at 12,000 sites across more than 70 countries.

Companies ranging in size from $50 million to multibillion dollar global 100 corporations use SSA's product suite, Business Planning and Control System (BPCS). SSA customers receive both product and support from 33 worldwide offices and from a highly trained professional staff of 1,500, which is augmented by a network that exceeds 110 independent service providers.

"Jerry Lawrence Markham Team Systems" - JLMTS for private meetings and Consultation

This system was co-founded by experts from India, East Europe, USA, and Canada.
We believe that by implementing the JLMTS system, your Organization will have a Massive Transformation with reference to Leadership, and help you to increase Sales.

Yolanda Mendoza - International Sales Director

Tuesday 15 October 2013


By: Michael Warhurst – Sr. Marketing Executive
Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System

Meet and beat your competition with custom smart phone apps!

With the advent of business apps for smart phones, many business people have found new and profitable opportunities for using smart phone apps in their business life. Even small businesses have started acknowledging the multiple advantages offered by smart-phone apps to grow profits and are utilizing them in all aspects of their business.

There are a large number of benefits related to custom Smart-phone business app development.

Smart phones, as opposed to other personal computers, have become more convenient, more powerful, as well as efficient and effective in today’s world. The aspect of touch screen, mobility and the user friendly screen size make them a very good option, and also, the preferable choice for big and small business operation and promotion.


As more and more users are beginning to opt for smart-phones, the advertising strategies becoming available are more effective than any other method or combination of methods of effectively reaching and motivating a large number of users, delivering customer value, quickly and effectively adjusting business sales strategies, facilitating customer response and tracking, and employee and business tracking.

Smart phone business apps have made all business and customer/client communications and transactions easier, more cost efficient and effective than any alternative business/customer-client/employee options.
Further development of customized, tailored smart phone business apps will make the features more powerful and your benefits vastly better; and your business more efficient in all aspects of communication and organization.

What are the direct business benefits offered by specialized custom smart phone app development?


Firstly smart phone business apps greatly and effectively increase opportunities for brand and customer benefit awareness. The quicker and better your personalized smart phone business apps are developed will better facilitate customer awareness of and loyalty to your brand in a much more creative, competitive and effective way.

A better performing custom smart phone business app is always a big advantage in the huge and quickly growing online market and will attract a large number of new clients/customers.
This directly and indirectly means a better product/service promotion, business and employee control, marketing and organizational platform for your business to successfully compete and grow in a very quickly changing business environment.

More satisfying business-customer interaction is another great advantage offered by custom smart phone business app development. Either you or our custom business app development team can simply make all types of your business communication vastly more important, more effective and more direct-able, pleasant and more appealing to all your customers, employees and potential new customers. 


Provided with these benefits and advantages you can obtain and sustain an important edge over your competitors. When your organization begins to develop specialized business apps for smart-devices, you are provided with the option of critically and positively impacting your potential and existing customers’ mind. This effectively and efficiently increases your bottom line and consequently the overall value and effectiveness of your organization.
Customer loyalty is also much more firmly established through app development, as people find it easier to positively interact with your business.

New and existing customers will find smart phone business apps attractive and facilitating easy access to all related and new information thereby de-stressing employees and customers.


Moreover, it is also a great way of creating new opportunities for revenue expansion in your business. Along with promotional benefit, subscription may also provide a good secondary source of revenue.
Hence, development of custom business smart phone related applications will accelerate business and increase your bottom line profit.
Therefore there is a two way benefit; one, you can greatly enhance and promote your business; and, secondly you can generate new, and greatly increase existing, business income.

We are specialized experts who exclusively deal with business smart phone app development. If your business needs an important new tool for profit improvement please contact us immediately.


‘Off the shelf’ just doesn't cut it in the quickly changing highly competitive business environment of today and tomorrow. Custom build apps for your existing and future business.

Contact us now:

Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System
Michael Warhurst
Email :


Tuesday 8 October 2013


Power to Create Leaders

Presented by the Experts of “Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System”

What Do ‘Jerry Lawrence Markham Team System’ have in common with?

Paul Fireman - Founder and Former Chairman/CEO, Reebok

Andrew Cherng - Founder of Panda Express

Dr. Charles McNeill - Senior Policy Adviser

UN Development Programme, Environment and Energy Group

They All belong to the Same School of Break-Through Technology and Possibility.
They are in the Business of Transformation within your community – family, friends, business, city, Country and World.

                                    LINK TO Vedio:-
Leadership Overview:
·         Make communication real, with structures and tools that leave you with powerful new ways of generating possibilities, designing opportunities, and moving your commitments to Real Achievements.
·         In this program, you’ll create from thin air - structures for existence, support and fulfillment that work like a Blue Print map—a direct route to generating effective actions and results.
·         In this program you’ll Find yourself with a new ability to communicate in ways that create new futures in your relationships, families, businesses, jobs, and community.
·         Develop MASSIVE and MASSIVE capacity to communicate and relate  on several levels at once in ways that allow you to satisfy multiple concerns and realize multiple outcomes in a single conversation
·         Gain access to new ways of communicating that allow you to profoundly contribute to those around you

·         With our Breakthrough technology, create from nothing Wealth, Power, Love, and Leadership within your family and business.

For More Information Contact:
"Jerry Lawrence Markham Team Systems" - JLMTS for private meetings and Consultation
This system was co-founded by experts from India, East Europe, USA, and Canada.
We Believe that by implementing the JLMTS system, your Organization will have a Massive Transformation with reference to Leadership, and help you to increase Sales.
Yolanda Mendoza - International Sales Director